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We have very limited numbers of kittens available each year and each is sold to a properly screened home. All potential buyers must consent to a phone interview. Once selected you will be required to submit a deposit and sign a contract. We do not accept deposits until the kittens have arrived and we have reason to believe they are healthy and will survive. We do not believe in forcing buyers into making deposits or entering into contracts on unborn kittens, which may or may not be forth coming.


Deposits are non-refundable, except in the case where we are unable to deliver the kitten on which you placed a deposit. Deposits may be either cashiers checks or personal checks or using the Paypal link at the bottom of this page. Before you receive your kitten we require the balance of the kitten be paid in full via cashiers cash, by Wire, or cash.


Once you receive your kitten you have 72 hrs to submit the kitten for examination by your veterinarian. Should he/she find some health problem that our veterinarian missed we will be glad to replace the kitten or refund your money in return for the kitten under the terms of our contract.


No Kitten Is Shipped! They must be picked up here or fly in cabin either with me or the buyer. Please call for clarification on how easy this works and how much safer it is for your precious new family member.


Kittens may go home as early as 9 weeks depending on the home. All kittens will have had their first vaccines, been dewormed twice and kittens will be  micro chipped before going to their new homes.

Egyptian Maus CFA and TICA Dual Registered


Females and Males from $900 to $1800 depending color and quality and whether the cat will be used in a breeding program. Most silver spotted  kittens are priced between $1,100 and $1300 as pets.

Egyptian Maus are a relatively rare breed. As of 2007, fewer than 200 kittens are registered with the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy each year As of 2006, a total of 6,742 Maus were registered with the Cat Fanciers' Association.


Maus come in six colors. From most to least common these colors are: Carmel, silver, bronze, smoke, black and blue/pewter

Black and pewter Maus cannot be shown, but may be used in breeding. All Maus must have green eyes, but an amber cast is acceptable in kittens and young adults up to eighteen months old

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